Advanced Study in the History of Medival India Vol -3 JL Mehta
Preface to the Second Edition
The three-volume publication entitled Advanced Study in the History of Medieval India has caught the imagination of the readers. The growing popularity of these books among the post-graduate students and researchers in the history of medieval India is evidenced by the ever increasing correspondence of the author with them as also by the challenge of press reviews and constructive criticism from scholars from various parts of the country. The author highly appreciates comments on and critical evaluation of his books by those interested in the subject; he always bears in mind their valuable suggestions for qualitative improvement of the material, wherever necessary.
The author has been told by the publishers that his books have been put on the export list and that these have started earning foreign exchange. It is really encouraging to note that a reconstruction and interpretatxon of Indian history by a son of the soil should measure up to the international academic standards and find favour with the scholars of advanced countries, albeit this success may be attributed equally to the resourcefulness and enterprise of Sterling Publishers but for whose dedication and professional expertise it would not have been possible to bring out the books in the shape in which these have been placed in the hands of the scholars.
We are passing through a very serious socio-cultural and national crisis today. The rising tide of fundamentalism, regional and parochial outlook, and the racial and linguistic controversies threaten the very fabric of composite Indian culture and the concept of secular nation- state, evolved laboriously by one of our ancestors-Akbar the Great, and so fondly cherished by the modern Indian leadership This book does not have a direct bearing on all these aspects; nevertheless, it may provide, in historical perspective, an insight into the causes and remedies of some of these problems to the readers.
Chandigarh, January 26, 1987
J.L. Mehta
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