Modern Indian History by Mohammad Tarique
Modern Indian History by Mohammad Tarique Original price was: ₹385.00.Current price is: ₹308.00.
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World History From Early Times to AD 2011
World History: From Early Times to AD 2011 Original price was: ₹315.00.Current price is: ₹268.00.

Post Independence India For Civil Services Examination

Original price was: ₹265.00.Current price is: ₹212.00.

Author       : Snehil Tripathi, Sonali Bansal

ISBN           : 9789353162726

Edition        : 2019

Language ‏  :  English

Publisher ‎   : McGraw Hill Education India

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Meant for aspirants of Civil Services examination, this book covers the ‘Post-Independence India’ portion of the exam syllabus comprehensively. It not only deals with Post-Independence consolidation and reorganization within the country, but also with several major events occurring under successive governments during the entire period from 1947 till 2014. The book thus gives a consolidated account of independent India’s journey along with threadbare analysis of significant issues such as making of the Indian constitution, food crisis, green revolution, naxalite political movement, emergency and economic liberalization.

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